Friday, December 29, 2017

Bhāraṭāmbeye janisi ninnoḷu dan'yanāḍenu ḍēviye / Kuvempu

Today's Google Doodle (India) featured K.V. Puttappa aka Kuvempu, the celebrated Kannada writer of the 20th century. This pushed me to look for poems written by him. So here is 'Bhāraṭāmbeye janisi ninnoḷu dan'yanāḍenu ḍēviye' (O Mother India, Blessed I am, to be born to you)

Bhāraṭāmbeye janisi ninnoḷu dan'yanāḍenu ḍēviye
Ninna prēmaḍi beḷeḍu jīvavu mān'yavāḍuḍu ṭāyiye
Rāṇiyanḍaḍi mereva siriṭanavihuḍō ēnō ariyenu
Kāmadēnuvinanṭe bayasiḍa phalava kodhuveyo ariyenu
Enna an'gagaḷellavu ninna sompanu ballavu
Ninna san'gave parama man'gaḷavembuḍiniṭanū mareyenu
Kunḍu koraṭegaḷihavu ninnoḷu embuvaḷalanu ballenu
Hinḍakuḷiḍavaḷemba ninḍeya sahisi nonḍ'̔ihe ballenu
āḍaroliyenu an'yara ciṇṇavoliḍ'̔iha dan'yara
Kunḍu koraṭegaḷirali mahimaḷu nīne an'yaranollenu
Ninna kan'gaḷa puṇya kānṭiyolenna kan'gaḷa ṭerevenu
Ninna ankaḍa man'gaḷān'gaṇaḍalli naliyuṭa beḷevenu
Ninna mahimeye barevenu; ninna hesarane karevenu
Ninna sēveyoḷaḷiva bhāgyake sakala bhā

(I could not find any authentic translation of this poem into Hindi or English. So here is a rough attempt by me, if you are well versed in Kannada and you find any gross mistake in my translation, please drop a comment so that I can correct it.)

O Mother India, Blessed I am, to be born to you.
Blessed is my soul, to be nourished by your love.
I don't care if you are adorned like a queen,
I don't care if you grant every wish, like Kamdhenu.
All I know is my courtyard is filled with the scent,
Of your sacred presence.
Of the criticisms about your deficiencies, I am aware.
The taunts of being backward, you had to bear.
Those adorned by gold, I shun.
I regard you as the glorious one.
In the luster of your eyes, I open my eyes.
With joy I'll grow in your holy land.
Your glory I'll write; your name I'll call.
For the fortune of your service, I reject all.

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घरेलू स्त्री / ममता व्यास

जिन्दगी को ही कविता माना उसने जब जैसी, जिस रूप में मिली खूब जतन से पढ़ा, सुना और गुना... वो नहीं जानती तुम्हारी कविताओं के नियम लेकिन उ...