Friday, January 29, 2021

You're A Blessing Indeed / Edgar Andrade Baguio

You came a day after a world's first taste of terror,
When all calculations were in error;
From deep pockets to empty long tables,
Where all were shaken like twisted cables;
Still, you're such a blessing indeed!

Grown fast from nursery to Senior High,
You amused your five siblings with your cry;
Which sounds like a guitar, piano or frog,
Allowing some insects to dance in smog;
You're a funny blessing indeed!

Later you struggled a lot to employ,
A stern balance of chores or play a toy;
Which cost you very dear lessons anew,
Leaving you with precious rites to renew;
You're such a pure blessing indeed!

Now that you're approaching your manhood stage,
Forget not the power that goes with age;
Came from inner tones to a booster din,
Flashing your life's mission: some souls to win;
Yes son, you're a blessing indeed!

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घरेलू स्त्री / ममता व्यास

जिन्दगी को ही कविता माना उसने जब जैसी, जिस रूप में मिली खूब जतन से पढ़ा, सुना और गुना... वो नहीं जानती तुम्हारी कविताओं के नियम लेकिन उ...