Sunday, December 31, 2017

आखिर पाया तो क्या पाया? / हरिशंकर परसाई

मैं सोच रहा, सिर पर अपार
दिन, मास, वर्ष का धरे भार
पल, प्रतिपल का अंबार लगा
आखिर पाया तो क्या पाया?

जब तान छिड़ी, मैं बोल उठा
जब थाप पड़ी, पग डोल उठा
औरों के स्वर में स्वर भर कर
अब तक गाया तो क्या गाया?

सब लुटा विश्व को रंक हुआ
रीता तब मेरा अंक हुआ
दाता से फिर याचक बनकर
कण-कण पाया तो क्या पाया?

जिस ओर उठी अंगुली जग की
उस ओर मुड़ी गति भी पग की
जग के अंचल से बंधा हुआ
खिंचता आया तो क्या आया?

जो वर्तमान ने उगल दिया
उसको भविष्य ने निगल लिया
है ज्ञान, सत्य ही श्रेष्ठ किंतु
जूठन खाया तो क्या खाया?

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Caged Bird / Maya Angelou

A free bird leaps
on the back of the wind 
and floats downstream 
till the current ends
and dips his wing
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and 
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings 
with a fearful trill 
of things unknown 
but longed for still 
and his tune is heard 
on the distant hill 
for the caged bird 
sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn
and he names the sky his own

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams 
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream 
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied 
so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings 
with a fearful trill 
of things unknown 
but longed for still 
and his tune is heard 
on the distant hill 
for the caged bird 
sings of freedom.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Bhāraṭāmbeye janisi ninnoḷu dan'yanāḍenu ḍēviye / Kuvempu

Today's Google Doodle (India) featured K.V. Puttappa aka Kuvempu, the celebrated Kannada writer of the 20th century. This pushed me to look for poems written by him. So here is 'Bhāraṭāmbeye janisi ninnoḷu dan'yanāḍenu ḍēviye' (O Mother India, Blessed I am, to be born to you)

Bhāraṭāmbeye janisi ninnoḷu dan'yanāḍenu ḍēviye
Ninna prēmaḍi beḷeḍu jīvavu mān'yavāḍuḍu ṭāyiye
Rāṇiyanḍaḍi mereva siriṭanavihuḍō ēnō ariyenu
Kāmadēnuvinanṭe bayasiḍa phalava kodhuveyo ariyenu
Enna an'gagaḷellavu ninna sompanu ballavu
Ninna san'gave parama man'gaḷavembuḍiniṭanū mareyenu
Kunḍu koraṭegaḷihavu ninnoḷu embuvaḷalanu ballenu
Hinḍakuḷiḍavaḷemba ninḍeya sahisi nonḍ'̔ihe ballenu
āḍaroliyenu an'yara ciṇṇavoliḍ'̔iha dan'yara
Kunḍu koraṭegaḷirali mahimaḷu nīne an'yaranollenu
Ninna kan'gaḷa puṇya kānṭiyolenna kan'gaḷa ṭerevenu
Ninna ankaḍa man'gaḷān'gaṇaḍalli naliyuṭa beḷevenu
Ninna mahimeye barevenu; ninna hesarane karevenu
Ninna sēveyoḷaḷiva bhāgyake sakala bhā

(I could not find any authentic translation of this poem into Hindi or English. So here is a rough attempt by me, if you are well versed in Kannada and you find any gross mistake in my translation, please drop a comment so that I can correct it.)

O Mother India, Blessed I am, to be born to you.
Blessed is my soul, to be nourished by your love.
I don't care if you are adorned like a queen,
I don't care if you grant every wish, like Kamdhenu.
All I know is my courtyard is filled with the scent,
Of your sacred presence.
Of the criticisms about your deficiencies, I am aware.
The taunts of being backward, you had to bear.
Those adorned by gold, I shun.
I regard you as the glorious one.
In the luster of your eyes, I open my eyes.
With joy I'll grow in your holy land.
Your glory I'll write; your name I'll call.
For the fortune of your service, I reject all.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud / William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

हज़ारों ख़्वाहिशें ऐसी / मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब

हज़ारों ख़्वाहिशें ऐसी कि हर ख़्वाहिश पे दम निकले
बहुत निकले मिरे अरमान लेकिन फिर भी कम निकले

डरे क्यूँ मेरा क़ातिल क्या रहेगा उस की गर्दन पर
वो ख़ूँ जो चश्म-ए-तर से उम्र भर यूँ दम-ब-दम निकले

निकलना ख़ुल्द से आदम का सुनते आए हैं लेकिन
बहुत बे-आबरू हो कर तिरे कूचे से हम निकले

भरम खुल जाए ज़ालिम तेरे क़ामत की दराज़ी का
अगर इस तुर्रा-ए-पुर-पेच-ओ-ख़म का पेच-ओ-ख़म निकले

मगर लिखवाए कोई उस को ख़त तो हम से लिखवाए
हुई सुब्ह और घर से कान पर रख कर क़लम निकले

हुई इस दौर में मंसूब मुझ से बादा-आशामी
फिर आया वो ज़माना जो जहाँ में जाम-ए-जम निकले

हुई जिन से तवक़्क़ो' ख़स्तगी की दाद पाने की
वो हम से भी ज़ियादा ख़स्ता-ए-तेग़-ए-सितम निकले

मोहब्बत में नहीं है फ़र्क़ जीने और मरने का
उसी को देख कर जीते हैं जिस काफ़िर पे दम निकले

कहाँ मय-ख़ाने का दरवाज़ा 'ग़ालिब' और कहाँ वाइ'ज़
पर इतना जानते हैं कल वो जाता था कि हम निकले

(I can't recommend enough to listen to Jagjit Singh singing. Complete immersion.)

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

दो अनुभूतियाँ / अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी

पहली अनुभूति

बेनकाब चेहरे हैं,
दाग बड़े गहरे हैं।
टूटता तिलिस्म आज सच से भय खाता हूँ ।
गीत नहीं गाता हूँ ।

लगी कुछ ऐसी नज़र,
बिखरा शीशे सा शहर।
अपनों के मेले में मीत नहीं पाता हूँ ।
गीत नहीं गाता हूँ ।

पीठ मे छुरी सा चाँद,
राहू गया रेखा फाँद।
मुक्ति के क्षणों में बार बार बँध जाता हूँ ।
गीत नहीं गाता हूँ ।

दूसरी अनुभूति

टूटे हुए तारों से फूटे बासंती स्वर
पत्थर की छाती मे उग आया नव अंकुर।
झरे सब पीले पात,
कोयल की कुहुक रात।

प्राची मे अरुणिम की रेख देख पता हूँ ।
गीत नया गाता हूँ ।

टूटे हुए सपनों की कौन सुने सिसकी,
अन्तर की चीर व्यथा पलकों पर ठिठकी।
हार नहीं मानूंगा,
रार नहीं ठानूंगा।

काल के कपाल पे लिखता-मिटाता हूँ ।
गीत नया गाता हूँ ।

Monday, December 25, 2017

राजे ने अपनी रखवाली की / सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी "निराला"

राजे ने अपनी रखवाली की;
किला बनाकर रहा;
बड़ी-बड़ी फ़ौजें रखीं ।
चापलूस कितने सामन्त आए ।
मतलब की लकड़ी पकड़े हुए ।
कितने ब्राह्मण आए
पोथियों में जनता को बाँधे हुए ।
कवियों ने उसकी बहादुरी के गीत गाए,
लेखकों ने लेख लिखे,
ऐतिहासिकों ने इतिहास के पन्ने भरे,
नाट्य-कलाकारों ने कितने नाटक रचे
रंगमंच पर खेले ।
जनता पर जादू चला राजे के समाज का ।
लोक-नारियों के लिए रानियाँ आदर्श हुईं ।
धर्म का बढ़ावा रहा धोखे से भरा हुआ ।
लोहा बजा धर्म पर, सभ्यता के नाम पर ।
ख़ून की नदी बही ।
आँख-कान मूंदकर जनता ने डुबकियाँ लीं ।
आँख खुली-- राजे ने अपनी रखवाली की ।

Sunday, December 24, 2017

A Soldier Dreams Of White Lilies / Mahmoud Darwish

He dreams of white lilies,
an olive branch,
her breasts in evening blossom.
He dreams of a bird, he tells me,
of lemon flowers.
He does not intellectualize about his dream. He understands things as he
senses and smells them.
Homeland for him, he tells me, is to drink my mother's coffee,
to return at nightfall.
I asked him: and the land?
I don't know it, he said.
I don't feel it in my flesh and blood,
as they say in the poems.
Suddenly I saw it
as one sees a grocery store, a street, newspapers.
I asked him, do you love it?
My love is a picnic, he said,
a glass of wine, a love affair.
- Would you die for it?
- No!
All my attachment to the land is no more than a story or a fiery speech!
They taught me to love it, but I never felt it in my heart.
I never knew its roots and branches, or the scent of its grass.
- And what about its love? Did it burn like suns and desire?
He looked straight at me and said: I love it with my gun.
And by unearthing feasts in the garbage of the past
and a deaf-mute idol whose age and meaning are unknown.
He told me about the moment of departure, how his mother
silently wept when they led him to the front,
how her anguished voice gave birth to a new hope in his flesh
that doves might flock through the Ministry of War.
He drew on his cigarette. He said, as if fleeing from a swamp of blood,
I dreamt of white lilies, an olive branch, a bird embracing the dawn in a lemon tree.
- And what did you see?
- I saw what I did:
a blood-red boxthorn.
I blasted them in the sand…in their chests…in their bellies.
- How many did you kill?
- It's impossible to tell. I only got one medal.
Pained, I asked him to tell me about one of the dead.
He shifted in his seat, fiddled with the folded newspaper,
then said, as if breaking into song:
He collapsed like a tent on stones, embracing shattered planets.
His high forehead was crowned with blood. His chest was empty of medals.
He was not a well-trained fighter, but seemed instead to be a peasant, a
worker or a peddler.
Like a tent he collapsed and died, his arms stretched out like dry creek-beds.
When I searched his pockets for a name, I found two photographs, one of his
wife, the other of his daughter.
Did you feel sad? I asked.
Cutting me off, he said, Mahmoud, my friend,
sadness is a white bird that does not come near a battlefield.
Soldiers commit a sin when they feel sad.
I was there like a machine spitting hellfire and death,
turning space into a black bird.
He told me about his first love, and later, about distant streets,
about reactions to the war in the heroic radio and the press.
As he hid a cough in his handkerchief I asked him:
Shall we meet again?
Yes, but in a city far away.
When I filled his fourth glass, I asked jokingly:
Are you off? What about the homeland?
Give me a break, he replied.
I dream of white lilies, streets of song, a house of light.
I need a kind heart, not a bullet.
I need a bright day, not a mad, fascist moment of triumph.
I need a child to cherish a day of laughter, not a weapon of war.
I came to live for rising suns, not to witness their setting.
He said goodbye and went looking for white lilies,
a bird welcoming the dawn on an olive branch.
He understands things only as he senses and smells them.
Homeland for him, he said, is to drink my mother's coffee, to return safely, at nightfall.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Are you the new person drawn toward me? / Walt Whitman

Are you the new person drawn toward me?
To begin with, take warning, I am surely far different from what you suppose;
Do you suppose you will find in me your ideal?
Do you think it so easy to have me become your lover?
Do you think the friendship of me would be unalloy’d satisfaction?
Do you think I am trusty and faithful?
Do you see no further than this façade, this smooth and tolerant manner of me?
Do you suppose yourself advancing on real ground toward a real heroic man?
Have you no thought, O dreamer, that it may be all maya, illusion?

Friday, December 22, 2017

Invictus / William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

मिट्टी हो कर इश्क़ किया है / मोहसिन असरार

मिट्टी हो कर इश्क़ किया है इक दरिया की रवानी से
दीवार-ओ-दर माँग रहा हूँ मैं भी बहते पानी से

बे-ख़बरी में होंठ दिए की लौ को चूमने वाले थे
वो तो अचानक फूट पड़ी थी ख़ुशबू रात की रानी से

वो मजबूरी मौत है जिस में कासे को बुनियाद मिले
प्यास की शिद्दत जब बढ़ती है डर लगता है पानी से

दुनिया वालों के मंसूबे मेरी समझ में आए नहीं
ज़िंदा रहना सीख रहा हूँ अब घर की वीरानी से

जैसे तेरे दरवाज़े तक दस्तक देने पहुँचे थे
अपने घर भी लौट के आते हम इतनी आसानी से

हम को सब मालूम है 'मोहसिन' हाल पस-ए-गिर्दाब है क्या
आँख ने सच्चे गुर सीखे हैं सूरज की दरबानी से

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

एक बूँद / अयोध्यासिंह उपाध्याय 'हरिऔध'

ज्यों निकल कर बादलों की गोद से
थी अभी एक बूँद कुछ आगे बढ़ी,
सोचने फिर-फिर यही जी में लगी
हाय क्यों घर छोड़कर मैं यों बढ़ी।

मैं बचूँगी या मिलूँगी धूल में,
चू पड़ूँगी या कमल के फूल में।
बह गई उस काल एक ऐसी हवा
वो समन्दर ओर आई अनमनी,
एक सुन्दर सीप का मुँह था खुला
वो उसी में जा गिरी मोती बनी।

लोग यों ही हैं झिझकते सोचते
जबकि उनको छोड़ना पड़ता है घर,
किन्तु घर का छोड़ना अक्सर उन्हें
बूँद लौं कुछ और ही देता है कर।

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Notuner Gaan (Chol Chol Chol) / Kazi Nazrul Islam

Chôl Chôl Chôl

Urddhô gôgône baje madôl
Nimne utôla dhôrôni tôl
Ôrun prater tôrun dôl
Chôlre Chôlre Chôl
Chôl Chôl Chôl..

Ushar duare hani aghat
Amra anibô ranga prôbhat
Amra tutibô timirô rat
Badhar bindhya chôl..

Nôbô nôbiner gahiya gan
Sôjib kôribô môhashôshman
Amra danibô nôtun pran
Bahute nôbin bôl..

Chôlre nôojoan,
Shonre patiya kan
Mrrityu torôn duyare duyare
Jibôner ahban
Bhanggre bhangg agôl
Chôl re Chôl re Chôl..
Chôl Chôl Chôl

English Translation (Taken from Wikipedia)

March, March, March

By a drum beat to a heavenly height
From earth beneath and soil's blight
Youth rise in the dawn's light,
Left, now, now, right!
March, March, March

Through dawn's door, a shattering blow
We will bring daybreak, scarlet in glow;
We will destroy the gloom of the night
And hindering mountain height,

The youngest of young, a song will sing;
From buried bones we raise the living;
We are the ones, new life will bring
With a new arm of might.

Soldier, take your stand,
A heartening ear now bend;
Doors that lead to death's portal,
A call to life extend!
Break all doors tight
and march, left and right!
March, March, March

(Notuner Gaan (The Song of Youth) is one of the celebrated works of Kazi Nazrul Islam, the vibe gets stronger when it is put to music. Upon Independence, Bangladesh declared it to be the National March. I'd recommend you to catch it on YouTube.)

Monday, December 18, 2017

The House / Warsan Shire

Mother says there are locked rooms inside all women; kitchen of lust,
Bedroom of grief, bathroom of apathy.
Sometimes the men - they come with keys,
And sometimes, the men - they come with hammers.

Nin soo joog laga waayo, soo jiifso aa laga helaa,
I said Stop, I said No and he did not listen.

Perhaps she has a plan, perhaps she takes him back to hers
Only for him to wake up hours later in a bathtub full of ice,
With a dry mouth, looking down at his new, neat procedure.

I point to my body and say:
Oh this old thing?
No, I just slipped it on.

Are you going to eat that?
I say to my mother, pointing to my father
Who is lying on the dining room table,
His mouth stuffed with a red apple.

The bigger my body is, the more locked rooms there are, the more men come with keys.
Anwar didn’t push it all the way in, I still think about what he could have opened up inside of me.
Basil came and hesitated at the door for three years.
Johnny with the blue eyes came with a bag of tools he had used on other women:
One hairpin, a bottle of bleach, a switchblade and a jar of Vaseline.
Yusuf called out God’s name through the keyhole and no one answered.
Some begged, some climbed the side of my body looking for a window,
Some said they were on their way and did not come.

Show us on the doll where you were touched, they said.
I said I don’t look like a doll, I look like a house.
They said Show us on the house.

Like this: two fingers in the jam jar
Like this: an elbow in the bathwater
Like this: a hand in the drawer.

I should tell you about my first love who found a trapdoor under my left breast nine years ago, fell in and hasn’t been seen since. Every now and then I feel something crawling up my thigh. He should make himself known, I’d probably let him out. I hope he hasn’t bumped in to the others, the missing boys from small towns, with pleasant mothers, who did bad things and got lost in the maze of my hair. I treat them well enough, a slice of bread, if they’re lucky a piece of fruit. Except for Johnny with the blue eyes, who picked my locks and crawled in. Silly boy, chained to the basement of my fears, I play music to drown him out.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
No one.

At parties I point to my body and say This is where love comes to die. Welcome, come in, make yourself at home. Everyone laughs, they think I’m joking.

(Warsan is a British-Somali poet and activist. Her poems have been translated into numerous languages. Her most notable work is 'Teaching My Mother How To Give Birth')

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Quality of Mercy/ William Shakespeare

(Taken from Act IV, Scene I of The Merchant of Venice)

The quality of mercy is not strain'd.
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown.
His scepter shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptered sway;
It is enthroned in the heart of kings;
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

समर शेष है / रामधारी सिंह "दिनकर"

ढीली करो धनुष की डोरी, तरकस का कस खोलो,
किसने कहा, युद्ध की वेला चली गयी, शांति से बोलो?
किसने कहा, और मत वेधो ह्रदय वह्रि के शर से,
भरो भुवन का अंग कुंकुम से, कुसुम से, केसर से?

कुंकुम? लेपूं किसे? सुनाऊँ किसको कोमल गान?
तड़प रहा आँखों के आगे भूखा हिन्दुस्तान।

फूलों के रंगीन लहर पर ओ उतरनेवाले!
ओ रेशमी नगर के वासी! ओ छवि के मतवाले!
सकल देश में हालाहल है, दिल्ली में हाला है,
दिल्ली में रौशनी, शेष भारत में अंधियाला है।

मखमल के पर्दों के बाहर, फूलों के उस पार,
ज्यों का त्यों है खड़ा, आज भी मरघट-सा संसार।

वह संसार जहाँ तक पहुँची अब तक नहीं किरण है
जहाँ क्षितिज है शून्य, अभी तक अंबर तिमिर वरण है
देख जहाँ का दृश्य आज भी अन्त:स्थल हिलता है
माँ को लज्ज वसन और शिशु को न क्षीर मिलता है

पूज रहा है जहाँ चकित हो जन-जन देख अकाज
सात वर्ष हो गये राह में, अटका कहाँ स्वराज?

अटका कहाँ स्वराज? बोल दिल्ली! तू क्या कहती है?
तू रानी बन गयी वेदना जनता क्यों सहती है?
सबके भाग्य दबा रखे हैं किसने अपने कर में?
उतरी थी जो विभा, हुई बंदिनी बता किस घर में

समर शेष है, यह प्रकाश बंदीगृह से छूटेगा
और नहीं तो तुझ पर पापिनी! महावज्र टूटेगा

समर शेष है, उस स्वराज को सत्य बनाना होगा
जिसका है ये न्यास उसे सत्वर पहुँचाना होगा
धारा के मग में अनेक जो पर्वत खडे हुए हैं
गंगा का पथ रोक इन्द्र के गज जो अडे हुए हैं

कह दो उनसे झुके अगर तो जग मे यश पाएंगे
अड़े रहे अगर तो ऐरावत पत्तों से बह जाऐंगे

समर शेष है, जनगंगा को खुल कर लहराने दो
शिखरों को डूबने और मुकुटों को बह जाने दो
पथरीली ऊँची जमीन है? तो उसको तोडेंगे
समतल पीटे बिना समर कि भूमि नहीं छोड़ेंगे

समर शेष है, चलो ज्योतियों के बरसाते तीर
खण्ड-खण्ड हो गिरे विषमता की काली जंजीर

समर शेष है, अभी मनुज भक्षी हुंकार रहे हैं
गांधी का पी रुधिर जवाहर पर फुंकार रहे हैं
समर शेष है, अहंकार इनका हरना बाकी है
वृक को दंतहीन, अहि को निर्विष करना बाकी है

समर शेष है, शपथ धर्म की लाना है वह काल
विचरें अभय देश में गाँधी और जवाहर लाल

तिमिर पुत्र ये दस्यु कहीं कोई दुष्काण्ड रचें ना
सावधान हो खडी देश भर में गाँधी की सेना
बलि देकर भी बलि! स्नेह का यह मृदु व्रत साधो रे
मंदिर औ' मस्जिद दोनों पर एक तार बाँधो रे

समर शेष है, नहीं पाप का भागी केवल व्याध
जो तटस्थ हैं, समय लिखेगा उनके भी अपराध

This poem by Dinkar calls for sustained action to bring the true "Swaraj" for millions of Indians that was still a distant fairytale for them. Unfortunately, even after 70 years of Independence, the situation has only improved at a much slower pace than envisioned and tens of millions are still excluded from the fruits of the development. The concluding lines of the poem are on a warning note: "That the silent bystanders (to all these situations) are not free of sins either, time shall write the guilt-clause for them too."

घरेलू स्त्री / ममता व्यास

जिन्दगी को ही कविता माना उसने जब जैसी, जिस रूप में मिली खूब जतन से पढ़ा, सुना और गुना... वो नहीं जानती तुम्हारी कविताओं के नियम लेकिन उ...